Papermaking Studio

The RedLine Papermaking Studio serves the important role of allowing guest and resident artists to explore papermaking, book arts, and printmaking media. It also  provides a local space for community papermaking education.

Equipped with a Whizmixer for reconstituting processed pulp or recycling paper, the studio provides space for small-scale experimental papermaking. Dedicated to using greener methods, the studio uses a large amount of paper scrap from the print shop.

In addition to artistic papermaking, RedLine artists lead educational workshops covering a variety of paper topics, including the history of paper, sculptural paper, surfaces and pigmentation, global papermaking, paper and spirituality, recycling, and  pulp preparation with indigenous plants.

Community, corporate, and school groups can develop individualized curriculum with the papermaking studio.

Either novice or experienced papermakers may rent time in the studio space. A one-hour studio orientation is required.

Contact the to arrange classes, workshops, or an orientation.